Biography of john henry forde
Henry ford parents
After founding the Ford Motor Company, the American industrialist Henry Ford developed a system of mass production based on the assembly line and the conveyor belt which produced .
Henry ford education
While working as an engineer for the Edison Illuminating Company in Detroit, Henry Ford () built his first gasoline-powered horseless carriage, the Quadricycle, in the shed behind his.
Henry ford died
Father of Thomas Ford and Henry Ford.
Henry ford cause of death
John Ford (born February 1, , Cape Elizabeth, Maine, U.S.—died August 31, , Palm Desert, California) was an iconic American film director, best known today for his westerns, though none of the films that won him the Academy Award for best direction— The Informer (), The Grapes of Wrath (), How Green Was My Valley (), and The Quiet Man ()—were of this genre.